




3. Keys

All songs have a「Key」.
It’s ok if you don’t know what the key is.
Although it is better if you can tell the proper key to play in, the QactusCore-Method can deal with it.

We can use a chart to know the proper key.


The left column shows the [Keys] that work or do not work well with Qactus.
Each row of the keys show chords.
These are called “diatonic chords” (but you don’t need to memorize that term.)
Just know how to use this chart and the keys that work with Qactus.

There are many websites providing lyrics and chords.
If you need to know which key a song is in, all you need to know is what chords are played the most. Then you can use this chart to find the key.

However, it will be a bit tricky until you become familiar with the characteristics of each key. This will come to you more with practice.

By the way, the guitar with Qactus on 2nd fret is a good match with these keys :


There is a higher chance for someone without any musical experience to learn to play guitar with Qactus in one of these keys. Of course, it has to be done with the Qactus arrangement, which you will learn about later.

All of these keys are called “Major Keys.”
There are “Minor Keys” as well.

We are going to use only Major Keys to avoid confusion.

“Minor Keys” are like brothers with “Major Keys.” (They are called [Related Keys] but you don’t have to memorize them to use Qactus).
You can replace “Minor Keys” into “Major Keys.” You will be able to figure out “Minor Keys” once you become familiar with “Major Keys.”

Stage-1『2. To Calculate Particular Musical Notes From Chords』
Stage-2『0. In the beginning』
