You will count each chord in the song separately even if it’s similar like [G] and [G7] or [Bm7] and [B7].
Make sure you practice and understand these chords, A, B, B7, C as well as the things related to The Gray Room.
Songs with more than 10 chords are not appropriate for beginners or the QactusCore-Method. Please select songs that have less than 10 chords, if possible.
When selecting songs, please keep in mind that beginners on average can play 6 to 7 chords in an hour even if the song was arranged using the QactusCore-method.
People without any previous experience on any musical instruments can be confused if they face more than 10 chords.
Continue reading to find out more tips for problems likes these.
Now, let’s return to The Three Rooms: Yellow, Red, and Gray.
You might be able to decrease the number of the chords in the song if you use the rooms to divide the chords.
You can ignore The Gray Room.
However, keep in mind that sometimes The Gray Room can help to decrease the number of chords. You should study musical theory if you'd like the freedom to use The Gray Room to decrease the number of chords for beginners.
Stage-3『Special Lecture』
Stage-3『c. Does the song change key often or just sometimes?』